The overall objective of the project on the formulation of BDP 2100 is to realize a sustainable and commonly agreed strategy with all relevant stakeholders for an optimum level of water safety and food security, as well as sustained economic growth of Bangladesh and a framework for its implementation. As such, BDP 2100 will contribute to the overall development of Bangladesh and needs to be incorporated in the seventh Five Year Plan (2015 – 2020) and subsequent Five Year Plans of Bangladesh.
The national GoB is the owner of BDP 2100 and will lead the formulation process. Other stakeholders that will be actively involved are regional and local governments and municipalities, NGOs, the private sector and civil society. Departments under different ministries will provide a supporting guideline on delta issues for their policies and plans. Appropriate institutional arrangements need to be set up.
Geographical scale
We will work at different scales during the different stages in the establishment of the BDP 2100. The geographical scale for the Delta Plan covers the whole Bangladesh Delta, which comprises the complete country. Since 57 of the rivers in Bangladesh are trans-boundary, the Delta Plan will also address trans-boundary issues both in the baseline study, related to climate change and water supply; and in the Delta framework, related to international water treaties. We are aware of the socio-political complexity of this subject. Within the Bangladesh Delta, we will define different prototypical areas where similar characteristics (in relation to flood risk vulnerabilities and spatial and geographical context) and challenges can be identified. In the Preparations for the Bangladesh Delta Plan report, the sub-regions (called hotspots) identified are mighty rivers, coastal areas, urban centres, haor areas and hill tracts. For these sub-regions, different measures will be proposed and assessed, always in relation to the local, national and delta scales. The exemplary projects and implementation strategy will focus on a number of local projects in different sub-regions.
Vision and action oriented
BDP 2100 envisions a safe and attractive Bangladesh Delta, coupled to a financial and institutional framework ready for implantation. We will both identify and propose governance measures, as well as physical flood risk protection and water resources management measures. Both the governance measures, and the physical quick-win measures can be implemented in the short term. These first short term measures will form a base for an institutional framework and increase in prosperity that in time will allow additional no-regret Delta Plan measures following an adaptive pathway. A holistic approach connecting different themes is essential, not only to creating a safe, sustainable and attractive delta, but also a prosperous one.
Time scale
The BDP 2100, to be prepared within a period of 30 months, will reflect a holistic and attractive long-term plan for a period up to 100 years. Quick wins (including hotspot designs), no-regret and long term measures are proposed to achieve this plan. These measures are connected in an adaptive pathway that allows for tailor-made implantation paths that can be updated every five years in relation to the actual political and economic situation and the national planning process.
Thematic Flood risk and water resources management are the main themes addressed in BDP 2100. Flood risk management considers both coastal, riverine and flash floods. Water resources management includes both food security and water supply and sanitation. Many sub-themes are related to these main themes and are part of the scope of the BDP 2100: river systems management, river morphology, irrigation and drainage, climate change, disaster management, drought management, coastal and estuarine protection (including polders), spatial planning, agriculture, fisheries and livestock, access to water, arsenic contamination and salinization of ground water, ecological setting, forestry, biodiversity, environmental pollution, urbanization and settlement, demographics, livelihood (especially of women), health, education, water and land transportation, energy supply, information and knowledge management, institutional arrangements and capacity building, trans-boundary and regional cooperation.